The Human Body

Know About Human Body 

1. A newborn baby's brain grows almost 3 times during the course of its first year.
2. The left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
3. A New born baby loses about half of their nerve cells before they are born.
4. As we get older, the brain loses almost one gram per year.
5. There are about 13, 500,00 neurons in the human spinal cord.
6. The total surface area of the human brain is about 25, 000 square cm.
7. The base of the spinal cord has a cluster of nerves, which are most sensitive. 
8. An average adult male brain weighs about 1375 grams.
9. An average adult female brain is about 1275 grams.
10. Only four percent of the brain's cells work while the remaining cells are kept in reserve.
11. The Brain utilizes 20 % of our body's energy ie,it uses 20% of one's blood and oxygen and makes up only 2 % of our body weight.
12. The Human brain stops growing by 18 years of age.
13. The human brain is very soft like butter.
14. Sixty percent of the human body's nerve ends in the forehead and the hands.
15. The brain continues to send out electric wave signals until approximately 37 hours after death
16. It is estimated that there are over 1, 000,000,000,000,000 connections in the human brain.
17. Human brain constitutes 60 % of white matter and 40 % of grey matter.
18. The average length of the human brain is about 167 mm and its average height is 93mm.
19. On an average, 100, 000 to 1000, 000 chemical reactions take place in our brain.
20. The Nervous system transmits messages to the brain at the speed of 180 miles per hour.

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